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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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mr president is that suppose to be called a while in the hall i guess if you just ripped off my idea from two years ago it wouldn't be so historic now would it i'll explain that the president's twitter town hall today and will have policy to explain how we'd be better off if the army was disbanded we've got teachers organizing seating parties a sext all leading to a ten year sentence the bush very romance obama's wiretapping numbers and the trials and anonymous girls the left is also with us for your requests and will discuss the significance of rights in china and what he is already calling the first great war of the twenty first century well it might be quite a fight the war he's talking about will at least be slightly broader as
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a conflict then adam vs the man. remember the time barack obama was a senator and just running for president you are one he said think the first thing he was going to do as president was pull u.s. forces out of iraq i will promise you this if we have not gotten our troops out by the time i am president it is the first thing i will do i will get our troops home we will bring an end to this war you can take that to the bank. yeah but then remember that instead the first thing you took to the bank was all of your bailout
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money well it turns out there's still too many kinks in that whole getting out of iraq thing to make it a reality we were slated to finally pull out by year's end yes two thousand and eleven but now the a.p. is reporting that the white house is offering offering to leave ten thousand u.s. troops behind iraqis express their gratitude today by shooting at some american convoys now that's what i call a friendly fire it's good we're showing so much generosity towards the arab world surely the tide of anti-americanism will turn if we stick it out just a little while longer it seems the pentagon is crossing their fingers for a troop request from pot prime minister nuri milly's government in iraq but i'm going to guess just one way or another they'll find or create a way and a reason to stay all right joining me now is gerald celente publisher of the trends journal to talk about the growing unrest in china what they're protesting about
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what the impending a growing economic threat out of china means for the united states and what he means when he refers to the first great war of the twenty first century as he did in the latest edition of the trends journal jerald thank you so much for joining us that great being all of you out of i know before we get to the first great war i want to ask you about a couple specific things in china we're seeing a lot of real estate over development there possibly some bubbles as americans are sort of starting to fear the coming crisscrossing of the united states and china and who's first in terms of the world's biggest economy do you think that the the there's going to be a stumbling block for china on their rise. there is let's go back to two thousand and eight when the panic of oh wait that people are thinking adding that china is played the same game that the united states did that the european central banks they pumped trillions a yuan into the economy to keep it afloat they created
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a bubble no one likes to lose so they kept the ponzi scheme going and what's going on in china is the same thing that's going on with what it was the report the official report from china something like one hundred thirty seven thousand across is example revolts in the last year that center then go thousand two hundred thirty saw the bow of them in separate incidents yes incidents right it's the same thing at a history is already being engineered reengineered you got what they call what happened in in the middle east and north africa they call it pro democracy movements this has nothing to do with democracy it has to do with a lot of people who can't make enough money to put a roof over their head clothes on their back and food in their mouth particularly as food prices are hitting all time highs we're seeing results happen everywhere
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the reason the governments had toppled yet in europe for example is that people are still feeling the same pain as the middle east and in china in different ways but they're still under the illusion that they have a democracy so they think they're going to change it at the ballot box but they're wising up to that as well for instance in spain they know it's a charade in greece they know it's a charade in court chicle they go to the so-called democratic governments are a charade so what we're going to start seeing more and more we see what the arab spring as they call it get ready for the europeans. summer the winter of worldwide discontent well maybe it'll come to china when the individual economic hardship gets that one but it seems as you point out of the human beings are pragmatists in america as bad as things are if they keep us fat and happy with bread and circuses we're not going to have the kind of what widespread revolts that
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we've seen in the rest of the world but let's let's move on i want to ask you what is the what is the first great war of the twenty first century where you're seeing it develop are ready and people aren't calling it what it is you see all these uprisings going on these are one offs it's like when you're a kid a teacher that you know world war one began when the archduke ferdinand was assassinated it's sorry gevo that we take pills not so if for example we just heard no market off you say listen you're trying to kill me guess what we're going to attack you and that's what you're going to start seeing more of so won't be you know how they say ad of the generals always fight the last war this is going to be wars of of weapons of mass destruction of suitcase nukes of dirty bombs going off of it biological warfare one goes long binh boom perry hold on though is it is it not how is is that an exaggeration to say what you are
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describing as the first where were the twenty first century is the people of the world versus the interconnected governments that are oppressing us you got it so was going to be so who is going to be using the weapons of mass destruction then well you'd have the countries like for instance a a libya you know they do what is it what does it take to to create chaos look at the chaos that was created in the united states with three thousand people were killed i mean look what's happened in iraq in afghanistan how many hundreds of thousands have been killed so just think of the blowback that will happen when there is a revenge attack the. in france in england in the us and your county in measures taking hold they keep clamping down more and more you have the shock to the global economy when there's a cherished right so what do they all do don't do something like i got it how about
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economic washoe law we have to close the bank speak so a little so the so this is the government fighting the last war against the people using fear using scare tactics using false flags to make the people afraid and more dependent right eight we've got osama bin rod he's wearing shoes or women with the. lookout that one player will also be elected officials we have in power of the least a shred of humanity to show the people a little mercy when it comes to actually deploying that the worst weapons of government there also and i thank you so much for being with us and i will be keeping an eye on the trends research institute as this develops and see what is coming next errol thank you so much for joining us tonight oh all right well we already know that our education system as well our government education system here is beyond repair but it appears it's even more corrupt than previously suspected of course that's what tends to happen when you create an incentive system within
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a state run monopoly for success on standardized tests it turns out there's been a whole lot of cheating going on down in atlanta and it's been beefing up the performance numbers for the school system it's bad enough well actually the state run standardized tests themselves are bad enough but this gets. crazier who is behind all this cheating of the massive cheating ring now it's being referred to well it was actually the taxpayer funded teachers administrators and superintendent beverly hall an investigation into a hundred seventy eight educators including thirty eight principals and those involved in smuggling scores to make themselves and their crappy government work look better to state officials findings assert the teachers one is far stronger in cheating parties were culprits who put on gloves to hide their fingerprints or changing the answers of student work. through their nature is always his line about official scores to say to officials is considered a felony offense lets hope
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a whole lot of charges and firings are pending here we'll keep an eye on this and see where this goes but this sure gives no child left behind a whole new meaning longer on the topic of school related mischief watch out virgin's if you don't think your life sucks and out yet you better keep your toys locked up kill somebody you might not even get jail especially if you work for the government very bad girl plant half a decade bad enough but now we come to find blow up dolls yes while bells should be treated as bombs and the pranksters to use them as felons obama squatting canine dogs are called into rushville consolidated high school in indianapolis in the end after an eighteen year old tyro morton sparked a senior prank that clearly went to write their own has been charged with disorderly conduct and institutional criminal mischief which carries a sentence in possibility of up to eight years in prison for placing a blow up doll in the stall of the men's restroom and that's it felony charges on
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an eighteen year old kid for girl replied kind of country are we living in when when this kind of crap is the potential to. destroy someone's life i guess i'm not alone in asking that question jonathan turley a law professor at george washington university and jonathan turley org writes quote the question is what type of society we are creating when our children have to fear that a prank could lead them to jail for almost a decade what type of citizens are we creating who fear they are with your use of criminal charges by the government well i guess i can take a stab at that we are creating citizens who will be good and question obedient wage slaves who will do whatever the cops say it never question their government out of fear you know who hasa believe that oh yeah well it was clear for money as early as two thousand and four that barack obama was going to be the anointed one for the two thousand and eight force of election. politics if you will they make it look like a race when really it's clear the establishment has narrowed the choices down to
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their pre-approved candidates mccain hillary romney and obama there's a lot of speculation that three term texas governor rick perry is at the very least the establishment challenger of choice for the two thousand and twelve for a perry who attended bill the word in two thousand and seven is claiming to be thinking about running for the presidency in two thousand and twelve after previously making a promise that he would not seek that office the latest story out of the new york times is the emerging rivalry between perry and his predecessor. it appears a media narrative has already been crafted perry will be the other governor from texas the not bush governor from texas he's made public statements taking shots at bush's presidential career questioning his credibility as a fiscal conservative and criticizing his record on immigration and education but with perry in the white house you like it's a man's i was jabs here and there but i would be willing to bet his policies were going to would look strikingly similar there's
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a good chance we'll get to see first hand if obama isn't shoved down our throats for another four years for lack of a real choice. obamacare obviously won't do it for me but the president was busy today as part of his reelection efforts i mean general public outreach hosting a twitter town hall at the white house and apparently the questions that got through the screeners were very interesting there are a lot out there but i'm really kind of offended by this i mean not because obama did something in cheesy i mean no big surprise there but it instead of doing something legitimate with this instead of taking the opportunity to say we're going to interact with the people give them a chance to answer questions to ask questions and answer them really at random they were all prescreened and basically the thing turned out to be an excuse for obama to hold another press conference on a variety of topics without even having to answer questions from the real media now this event was hailed as
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a historical event then and perhaps for the president doing a twitter town hall it was but years ago when i was running for congress we did a twelve a hall which is what you're supposed to call it when you're doing it the right way and actually answer all of the questions that people address to you and i was wondering why why are we watching president obama talk for a twitter town hall instead of watching him type well the answers should be pretty obvious he's not really here to be accountable or to answer to the people he was there for the p.r. and he did a pretty good job of getting a lot of free press out of this around. all right. when we come back we'll be joined by tom owen and hear about this banding of the united states army as for the founders intent states and you're watching adam vs the man. archie is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like.
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we're. going to. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. into that only the military making use of google would come to bring justice or. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic. of american exceptionalism.
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welcome back to adam vs the man with me in studio today is writer and political analyst and author of a return to common sense reawakening liberty and the inhabitants of america he's been a featured speaker at the new hampshire live reform campaign for liberty and numerous campus organizations he's put out some controversial anti-american remarks recently on his website about how we might be better off as a country if the united states government didn't have or maybe maybe the president himself didn't have the standing. army at their disposal that we have today tom thank you so much for joining us thanks lecture me so we look at obama's wars we look at this i mean it's almost hard not to call it an empire at this point you know people could look in years past that well it's an economic empire it's the bases or it's this or it's that and it was kind of
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a tenuous argument to say it's an empire now we're in. iraq afghanistan pakistan libya we're bombing yemen. i'm known for getting a couple here we've got a company tens because one hundred countries from what i understand will actively but i mean we perform an extraordinary rendition oh it's just it's so it's so hard to keep track of the empire these days but now it's really like it's in your face and it's undeniable with this why is it that the temptation of a standing army allows our government to get away with this because it's the surat of it or afraid of it being. necessary for security is just. under with it right well you know with this new congress they they started by reading the constitution you know and that was a lot of the tea party influence the new congressmen that were elected i remember the green party and you know i think there's
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a lot of people who are genuinely interested in the founding principles and when you go to those events you hear a lot about the founding fathers some people are wandering around it's recurrent hats or whatever and i don't mean do to make fun because you know their chief issue during two thousand and ten was obamacare and they were absolutely right that it was a terrible program and they were absolutely right about why it was a terrible program constitutional and unconstitutional and against our founding principles but the other part of the tea party that struck me was just how warmongering it really was i mean it seemed like they had they had mistaken well really very that was that was that was the co-opting element coming in from the old neo con wing of the republican party got all this this is where the action is but if the tea party that demanded that they got the republican majority in the congress from the two thousand and ten elections were actually demand a constitutional foreign policy or constitutional military what would that look like by conference what we have today well the constitution allows for the congress
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to raise an army but for no lot more than two years so really the people have the power it is much and they just do it for two years and then another two years and then another two years that that would violate the intent of the constitution to what it well it's not unconstitutional if it follows the procedure but the real feelings of the founders was that they didn't want to standing army around james madison said that armies are the source of debts and taxes and all kinds of expansion by the executive and bringing the many under the domination of the few he said it was the greatest danger to liberty and of course you know the first three presidents spent all of their time trying to stay out of war so that part of. the tea party which seems to cheer on all of this empire is counter to those only that they also share firearms ownership and cite the second amendment the constitution say well well well regulated militia and a lot of them as a result of tea party activism or come to the realization that hey we'd be more
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secure as a nation if we have widespread firearms ownership and if somehow for our national security we are more dependent on that as a resource that doesn't cost the government anything then maintaining this ridiculous standing army that the president can just send off willingly wherever he feels like right yeah absolutely and personal ownership of firearms definitely out of falling american principle and that was what jefferson said when he dishpan it most of the american military in one thousand nine hundred he said we have militias that can defend us until we raise an army if we need one and if the people aren't willing to be taxed if you percent of their income then there'd be no reason to take over the country anyways i put it in cities world how do you transition what does that model look like is that reserve based military first you know more reserves than active duty is that completely militias what do you actually suggest policy wise are we just a second left i'm sorry well i think you know you could look at these places like germany japan and korea where we have been sixty years and say you know we don't
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need that rose the first place. and you know then start really taking a look at you know what is another country invading the united states look like even without our ground troops it's impossible it's preposterous to think that it could happen with our nuclear arsenal and our navy so i think you can take a real look at it probably sounds crazy to most americans today john adams didn't want an army didn't want to handle them to have it did everything he could to keep him from getting it and if we went to a more reserve base military at least if obama wanted to start another ridiculous and imperial adventure he'd have to convince all the the military families and spouses of the reservists that was in their best interest before they go and voted out of office but we can hope that that's happening in just just a couple of years and it was tom thank you so much for joining us thank you tom all or time on author of a return to common sense reawakening liberty and the inhabitants of america. back to senator obama the reappearing ghost of campaigns past well i can remember
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a time when you were a loud opponent of the patriot act remember that earl how times have changed mr president forbes is reporting that in two thousand and ten the number of ongoing federal wiretap stubbled from nearly six hundred sixty three in two thousand and nine to twelve hundred seven in two thousand and ten in total wire taps run up thirty four percent with an increase of requests from state agencies as well and they were total of three thousand one hundred ninety four requests in two thousand and ten up from eleven hundred ninety in two thousand you know before nine eleven before the dark times before the empire sort of this is power corrupting and sort of maybe it's just the natural hypocrisy of those statist seeking office saying whatever it takes to get elected knowing full well that when in power they will keep favoring power over principle welcome to the obama surveillance state and now we get to give varieties in a little lesson in how capitalism works you make
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a wrong move i vote with my dollar and take it elsewhere which is probably what i'll be doing after it comes time to renew my current plan with horizon which i turn to after realizing how bad eighteen keys service was but with the obstacles and. barriers to entry in this corporatist market it's a little hard for the us to have real competition and it turns out risin is cutting off the open before data usage and even as more data heavy smartphones are making onto the market they want to slim down bandwidth usage is going to be a setback to the tech savvy and it means no more streaming video but here's offered are going to be two gigabytes for thirty dollars for fifty dollars and ten for a whopping eighty dollars so an hour streaming video is around two gig so you get a sense of where that money goes now the plan changes aren't supposed to affect preexisting contracts like mine but i imagine when it comes time to renew risin is
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going to regret this move when they lose my business this leaves sprint nextel is the only national carrier to offer unlimited data plans there are mass exodus ahead we'll see but personally as with talk time and texting i'm more than willing to pay for the convenience of not having to keep track of my daily usage this is open the economic rights of the streets here in america our phones are actually working and as promised we have a nother hacktivist triumph for anonymous from this past weekend from anonymous i are seeing tweeted not being so serious but well. link the pace been apple could be a target too but don't worry we are busy elsewhere you see some anonymous hackers were able to get a hold of some apple passwords over the weekend and made them public reuters cover the story but still doesn't seem to get it quote the internet vigilante hacker group anonymous claimed to have broken into an apple incorporated server and published a small number of usernames and passwords for one of the us technology companies
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websites so when you blame something on a group that doesn't exist tends to undermine your credibility but if it was an incompetent it wouldn't be old corporate media anonymous i or see the twitter account that serves the cause of anonymous by promoting worthwhile leaks followed up with this all the media buzz about the drive by apple dropped on paste the next us wonder what would happen if they get really hits maybe a suggestion will kowtow to all anonymous hackers might be interested in your case now that they've seen how much ink in press that you can generate for us but the bigger triumph from anonymous comes from florida or other computers that count votes in florida as the hacker was sponsible tweeted who believes voting isn't tampered with that from. a pacs s. apparently probably not even some married this weekend he backed out hacks to spruik proved that outrunning voting is
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a joke here's this fall of tweets. it's not just florida you could pick any state at random and get the same results and remember obama promised us transparency but it's hackers who are delivering it and now you the viewer are first comment tonight comes from an old friend from my home state of new mexico bill in albuquerque writes too many politicians imagine how much good they could accomplish if they only had the power the liberty candidates imagine how much good we the people could do if they didn't and response to a recent coverage of criminal photography or house illegal infringement of the right of citizen journalists jimmy dean's rights this is not about photography this is about evidence gathering you're not allowed to gather evidence which will be confort of what your presser is telling you the collection of proof is out of a policeman says you did it you did it and their eyes cry and scream and kick your feet up as much as you like you're guilty because your word means nothing new to me some of them piece by takes it a step further maybe we need to start an equal rights movement one that gives the
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people the same rights as the police would it be nice if we all get paid vacations for breaking the law indeed and our story on g.m.o. superbug is raise a lot of eyebrows and some doubts the rights technically part grows genetically modified their strains all the time it's not genetic modification that people should fear but the implication of the term g.m.o. and its association with once and so is something that people would be wise to fully distrust so much so that my piece showed ignorance about marijuana but c'mon i used to grow the stuff i know dog about and when i saw the story about there's a natural news dot com i tracked as far as i could to a.f.p. and they clearly say g.m.o. not just well bred strains of pot but they could have been there mixed up and they compared their g.m.o. pods potency of eighteen percent to standard weeds to seven percent range and a lot of people point out that really good weed regularly gets over twenty percent but i can't imagine that even the worst mexican trash half their swag would be below two percent of the scale so i assumed it was
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a different measurement now i could be wrong but we'll have mike. adams of natural news dot com on tomorrow to ask about this kind of irrelevant when you can easily make decent hash that is nearly here try clones from even really bad blood but do we need to do in a show about guns and it was on our characterization of the european protest yesterday fire may writes even though adam even though you would break out of heart i think you should be honest with him and let him know that the protests in europe are not only against our government but also against neo liberalism and privatisations hapless policies sorry adam europe wants the opposite the new we want the end of capitalism the end of the rich elite only us all and the end of the economy being more important than the individual and we are also against al gore he's like you a republican oh oh i'm so glad the superior leader in spokesperson for the protests in europe decided to weigh in on our you tube channel but it seems fire may may have if you things backwards we don't have capitalism here and neither do you in europe to establish a natural free market based on real capitalism however would mean the end of the
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rich elite owning us are as for the sat all darkie that are one time republicans because i'm with you there and dangle bucket no rights on you tube adam please try to get charlie beach on your program to discuss his recent flip flop on nine eleven you will get tons of ratings lots of you want to see him debate on this absolutely i've got a number of requests for this and i'm planning on having a panel with charlie luke and j.p. in studio soon as lucas back here believe it or not since sitting down with anthony shaffer jake has been doing a lot of work on nine eleven finally from twitter losing steigerwald that's the summer in turn for a reason magazine a libertarian and was running amok in d.c. writes awkwardly assured adam cokers i was no undercover than sas the cop about my normal shirt then yelled at the f.d.r. memorial you know i've had a lot of people trying to reassure me that they're not undercovers lately and wonder if i should be worried but finally a little bit on how to watch adam vs the man from facebook or brian goes writes why am i always drinking when i watch your show oh that's right because it makes so much more and makes it so much.


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